PSE EQUIP is a website and a mobile application developed, owned, and made available for use by The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. and its subsidiaries (“PSE”, "we", "us", or "our”) as a platform to enable investors to have an access to comprehensive and reliable information on the Philippine stock market.
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You acknowledge and agree, as one of the conditions of your access or use of PSE EQUIP, whether through website or mobile application, download of PSE EQUIP mobile application, creation or maintenance of your PSE EQUIP account that you shall not use PSE EQUIP or the personal information, materials, and other information contained therein for any purpose that is contrary to laws, rules and policies of the PSE, morals, good customs, public order, or public policy or as prohibited by the terms and conditions contained herein. You cannot use as your username any name that infringes protected trademarks, service marks, or other forms of proprietary rights, or username that uses offensive, derogatory or foul language.
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PSE EQUIP contains texts, data, figures, calculations, alerts, analyses, estimates, graphics, charts, quotes, formulas, photographs, illustrations, artworks, names, logos, trademarks, service marks, personal information, materials, and information connected with PSE or of listed issuers, as well as software programs available on or through PSE EQUIP (collectively, “Contents”). The PSE, on a best efforts basis, endeavors to ensure that the Contents of PSE EQUIP are accurate, except for Contents which may not have been prepared by the PSE but is made available without any responsibility on the part of the PSE, or even prepared by the PSE but provided on an as-is or as available basis.
No action should be taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon the Contents on PSE EQUIP. The PSE does not accept any liability for the results of any action taken on the basis of the Contents of PSE EQUIP.
The Contents of PSE EQUIP, including information and all materials hosted on or linked to PSE EQUIP and websites of PSE (https://www.pse.com.ph) and PSE Electronic Disclosure Generation Technology (“PSE EDGE”) (https://edge.pse.com.ph), as well as the presentation and lay-out of the Contents, are protected by copyright, trademark, and other forms of proprietary rights. All rights, title, and interests in and on the Contents and PSE EQUIP, including database rights, are owned, licensed, and/or controlled by the PSE and/or the third party credited as the provider of the Contents.
The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc., Philippine Stock Exchange, PSE, PSE Index, PSE EDGE, and all related names, logos, product and services names, and designs are registered trademarks or service marks of the PSE. All other trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos used on PSE EQUIP are properties of their respective owners and are used by PSE and for editorial purposes only, to the benefit of the respective owners and without any intention of trademark or copyright infringement. You shall not use, distribute, manufacture, or offer any such marks or trade names without the prior written permission of the PSE or the respective owners.
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Due to the number of sources from which the Contents are obtained, and inherent hazards of electronic distribution, there may be delays, omissions, or inaccuracies in the Contents and although the Contents have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, they are provided to you as presented, without warranties of any kind. Your use or access of the Contents, creation or maintenance of a PSE EQUIP account, download of PSE EQUIP mobile application, and access or use of PSE EQUIP website and mobile application, in general, are at your own risk.
The PSE, the third party providers, and their respective officers, directors, stockholders, employees, agents, representatives, and licensors cannot and do not make any representations and disclaim all warranties, express or implied, in respect of the Contents and PSE EQUIP website and mobile application, including, but not limited to, guarantees, representations, and warranties regarding truth, adequacy, reasonableness, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, non-infringement of intellectual property rights, merchantability, satisfactory quality, or fitness for any particular purpose, or any representations or warranties arising from usage or custom or trade or by operation of law. The PSE, the third party providers, and their respective officers, stockholders, directors, employees, agents, representatives, and licensors assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions of any kind in PSE EQUIP or its Contents.
Further, the PSE and its officers, stockholders, directors, employees, agents, and representatives do not guarantee, represent, or warrant that access or use of the PSE EQUIP website and mobile application will be uninterrupted or that PSE EQUIP will be compatible with the systems of PSE EQUIPusers, or that every defect will be corrected. The PSE, the third party providers, and their respective officers, stockholders, directors, employees, agents, and licensors do not assume any responsibility for consequences of any errors, delays, omissions, system failures, interruption, breach of security, hacking, technical glitch, corruption, unavailability of access to PSE EQUIP website and mobile application, and its Contents, notwithstanding any prior advice of such possibilities.
The PSE, the third party service providers, and their respective officers, stockholders, directors, employees, agents, and representatives likewise do not guarantee, represent, or warrant that PSE EQUIP website and mobile application is free of malicious software, including, but not limited to, viruses, computer worms, spyware, or other harmful components (“Malicious Software“). The PSE, the third party providers, and their respective officers, directors, stockholders, employees, agents, and licensors do not accept any liability for any loss, damage, claim liability, expense, or costs that may result from any transmission of such Malicious Software through PSE EQUIP website and mobile application, including, but not limited to, files downloaded from PSE EQUIP website and mobile application.
In no event shall the PSE or any of the third party providers or any of their respective officers, directors, stockholders, employees, agents, or licensors be liable to you, your heirs or assigns, or to anyone else for any loss or injury caused, in whole or in part, by contingencies beyond their control or negligence in procuring, compiling, interpreting, editing, writing, reporting, or delivering the Contents or your PSE EQUIP account, including PSE EQUIP system upgrades or system failures.
In no event shall the PSE or any of the third party providers or any of their respective officers, directors, stockholders, employees, agents, representatives, or licensors be liable to you, your heirs or assigns, or to anyone else for any claim arising out of or relating to PSE EQUIP website and mobile application, Contents, or your PSE EQUIP account and its contents, including but not limited to direct, consequential, special, incidental, punitive or indirect damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
The PSE and its directors, officers, employees, stockholders, agents, and representatives shall not be liable for any and all losses, damages, costs, expenses, claims, or liabilities suffered, incurred or that may be suffered or incurred by you or by any PSE EQUIP user, directly or indirectly, arising or resulting from, in connection with, or incidental to, any of the following:
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The PSE and its officers, directors, employees, stockholders, agents, and representatives assume no responsibility and do not accept any liability and risk of loss arising or resulting from, or in connection with PSE EQUIP user error, PSE EQUIP user’s malicious use, operator error, corruption of orders, multiple executions, or any form of system failure resulting from any hardware, software, power, database, or communications malfunction.
The PSE and its officers, directors, employees, stockholders, agents, and representatives shall not be liable for loss of profit, business opportunities, or failure to achieve cost savings, as well as, any consequential, indirect, or other damages, accruing to or incurred by you or by any PSE EQUIPuser, whether foreseeable or not, even if advised of the possibility of such damages; nor shall the PSE and its officers, directors, stockholders, employees, agents, and representatives be liable for any damages of any type.
You hereby agree to indemnify and hold the PSE and its stockholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, and representatives free and harmless from or against any and all claims, damages, losses, damages, claims, liabilities, expenses or costs suffered or incurred or to be suffered or incurred by you, arising or resulting, or alleged to have arisen or resulted, directly or indirectly, from or in relation to your use and/or access of the PSE EQUIP website and mobile application, and/or your or your heirs or assign’s breach of any of the terms and conditions contained in this Terms of Use.
In the event a suit or claim is brought against the PSE and/or any of its stockholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, and representatives for such damages or losses, you or your heirs or assigns shall cooperate fully with and assist the PSE and its stockholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, and representatives in defending against the suit or claim, and advance or, at the option of the PSE, reimburse the PSE for any and all legal costs, including attorney’s fees, associated with or arising from such defense of the suit or claim.
The provision by the PSE of PSE EQUIP website and mobile application and its Contents should not be construed as a recommendation or endorsement from the PSE, the third party providers, and any of their officers, directors, stockholders, employees, agents or licensors to buy or invest in or regarding any securities issued by any of the companies identified on PSE EQUIPwebsite and mobile application, PSE website, and PSE EDGE website or as a professional, financial or investment advice from the PSE, the third party providers, and any of their officers, directors, stockholders, employees, agents or licensors, and must not be used as a basis for undertaking any investment decision or otherwise. THE ADVICE OF PROFESSIONALS, AS APPROPRIATE, REGARDING THE EVALUATION OF ANY SPECIFIC SECURITY, INDEX, REPORT, OPINION, ADVICE OR OTHER CONTENT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
The Contents and the PSE EQUIP website and mobile application are not intended for distribution to or for use by or to be acted on by any person or entity located in any jurisdiction where such distribution, use or action would be contrary to applicable laws or regulations or would subject the PSE to any registration or licensing requirement.
The Contents and PSE EQUIP website and mobile application do not constitute as an invitation to invest in the shares of PSE, or do not constitute or form part of any offer by the PSE for the sale or subscription of, or any invitation to offer to buy or subscribe for, any securities or other financial instruments, nor should it or any part of it form the basis of, or be relied upon in any connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever.
User access to and use of PSE EQUIP website and mobile application is subject to all applicable international and Philippine laws and regulations. The Philippine courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising out of your access and use of PSE EQUIP.
The PSE reserves the right to revise these terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice and PSE EQUIP users are deemed to be aware of and shall be bound by any changes to these terms and conditions upon publication in PSE EQUIP website. You are responsible for ensuring that you have read the most current version of these terms and conditions. Your continued access and/or use of the PSE EQUIP website and mobile application will be deemed to constitute your conclusive acceptance of the updated or revised terms and conditions. The Contents and PSE EQUIP are subject to change including, without limitation, modification, deletion, system upgrades, or replacement thereof without notice.
You, your heirs or assigns shall not use the PSE EQUIP website and mobile application or your PSE EQUIP account for any illegal, immoral, unethical, or unauthorized use or purpose. Unauthorized and illegal use of PSE EQUIP website and mobile application or your PSE EQUIP account may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offense.
The PSE reserves the right, in our absolute discretion, to monitor, check, or review any and all access and use of PSE EQUIP website and mobile application and any PSE EQUIP account. The PSE reserves the right to seek all remedies available at law and in equity for violations of these terms and conditions, including the right to block access from a particular internet protocol address to PSE EQUIP website and the right to restrict or deny access to PSE EQUIP at any time, for any reason, and without any notice.
The PSE shall terminate any PSE EQUIP account website and mobile application or access to the PSE EQUIP website and mobile application in case of abuses or violations of these Terms of Use or at our sole discretion.
In the event that any of these terms and conditions is declared by any competent authority to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable in any respect, the portion not so adversely affected shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.